From the mind of Megan Arkenberg

October 10, 2015

I Destroyed Horror - AMA

Posted by Megan Arkenberg with 6 comments
The first story and nonfiction piece from Queers Destroy Horror! went live at Nightmare Magazine this Wednesday. The story is Matthew Bright's phenomenal "Golden Hair, Red Lips," which drops the protagonist of my favorite novel into an AIDS-crisis era San Francisco, and ends on an absolutely chilling note. The nonfiction is the editorial introduction, including a few words from guest editor-in-chief Wendy Wagner, poetry editor Robyn  Lupo, and yours truly:
As queer writers and readers, we find ourselves feeling both at home and deeply unwelcome in the horror genre. Sexual and gender nonconformity are in the genre’s DNA; queer people began writing horror long before it was a recognizable fiction category, and our ranks include some of the biggest names in the contemporary horror scene...It makes sense that many of us are drawn to fiction that tackles [sex and desire] in unexpected and often unsettling ways. But, as the essays and interviews in this special issue demonstrate, if we often see ourselves reflected in horror stories, it can also feel like the genre wants us gone—or dead.
If you don't want to wait, or if you want to read the full slate of fiction and nonfiction in this oversized issue, it can be purchased in paperback or e-book.

Also, the QDH team is doing an Ask Me Anything on r/Fantasy on Tuesday, October 13. Unless dire circumstances arise to prevent me, I'll be dropping by in the afternoon. Come and ask us questions, or lurk your way through the answers.

Final, unrelated note: Mirror Dance will be closed to submissions until January 15, 2016 so that I can clear out the backlog. Exam reading has not been kind to my slush schedule,and too many authors have been waiting way too long for a response. If this is you: my apologies, and thanks for your patience.


  1. nice article!because you always post informative posts in your site.Thank you.

  2. I’ve saved you to my favorites. Look forward to coming back in the future. Thanks. House of horrors

  3. I agree! All of these points are essential for a good essay. Not bragging but I can write really good essays. However; it is the dissertation writing which scares me a bit which is why I take help me do my dissertation UK from an online site to get good grades.

  4. Hey Megan, I absolutely loved your take on the horror genre! It's so refreshing to see someone delve into the nuances of what makes horror truly spine-chilling. Your perspective on the balance between terror and storytelling was spot on. Can't wait to read more of your insights! Thanks for sharing such an engaging piece.

  5. This blog on destroying horror really opened my eyes to how the genre can be manipulated to create a more profound impact. Megan, your personal experiences add so much depth to the discussion. I’d love to hear more about how you approach balancing fear and empathy in your work.

  6. Queers Destroy Horror brings a powerful mix of fiction and nonfiction, exploring the intersection of queerness and horror. Matthew Bright’s Golden Hair, Red Lips is a haunting reimagining set in the AIDS-crisis era. The full issue is available now in paperback and e-book.
