From the mind of Megan Arkenberg

August 12, 2010

Track Changes option, how to I love thee?

Posted by Megan Arkenberg with No comments
On a much happier note, I got some work done on that story I'm supposed to be editing. It took longer than I expected, because for some reason revising a scene always takes twenty times longer than writing it in the first place, but it's moving forward, which is all I can ask for right now.

I normally dislike revising because it takes up time I could be using on a new story to change a story that's already "done." The characters have moved out of my brain, the voice is hard to recapture--and the story's already been accepted, so it's not like my extra work is going to make me any extra money. But right now, when I can't make any progress on new stories, I might as well be polishing up the old ones.

I looked at a calendar this morning and nearly choked when I realized how close we are to September 1. *Gack! Autumn issue of Mirror Dance needs finishing!* Time to get cracking on that formatting, and gosh I hope I have some cover art picked out already.

Nose, meet grindstone.


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